Monday, November 11, 2019


Located at Group 17  and Period 2 of the periodic table. It is called fluorine.

First discovered by Henri Mossain in 1886.
In 1529, Georgius Agricola described fluorine as an additive used to lower the
melting point of metals during smelting. He penned the Latin word fluorés (fluor, flow) for fluorite rocks. The name later evolved into fluorspar (still commonly used) and then fluorite.The composition of fluorite was later determined to be calcium difluoride.
Georgius Agricola
Henri Mossain

Atomic Number :9
Element Name :Fluorine
Element's Latin Name : Fluere
Electronic Configuration : 2s2 2p5
Electron per shell: 2, 7
Discoverer :Henri Moissan
Element's : Atomic Mass :18.998403 u
                : Density :1.696 g/L
                : Type : Gas

Physical Properties
>B.P.:(F2) 85.03 K ​(−188.11 °C)
>M.P.:(F2) 53.48 K ​(−219.67 °C)
>when liquid (at b.p.):1.505 g/cm³

Chemical Properties :
>extremely reactive, as it reacts with almost all other elements, except for helium and neon.
>gas: very pale yellow
   liquid: bright yellow
    solid: alpha is opaque, beta is transparent
> isotopes :¹⁸F & ¹⁹F
Fluorine - 18 : Protons : 9
                     : Neutrons :9
                     : Electrons : 9 
 Half Life :109.739 min

Fluorine - 19 : Protons : 9
                     : Neutrons :10
                     : Electrons :9
Half Life : Stable (Only Stable isotopes of fluorine)

Fluorine - 20 : Protons : 9
                     : Neutrons : 11
                     : Electrons :9
 Half Life :11.07 seconds

How Did Fluorine Get Its Name
The name fluorine is derived from the mineral fluorite which comes from the Latin word "fluere" meaning "to flow." The name was suggested by English chemist Sir Humphry Davy.

How Did Henri Moissan Isolate Fluorine
Fluorine was finally isolated in by French chemist Henri Moissan in 1886 – whose own work was interrupted four times by serious poisoning caused by the element he was pursuing. Moissan had isolated fluorine by electrolysis of dry potassium hydrogen fluoride and anhydrous hydrofluoric acid.

How is Fluorine Isolated today
Today, fluorine is still produced through the electrolysis of potassium fluoride and hydrofluoric acid as well as through the electrolysis of molten potassium acid fluoride (KHF2).

Interesting Fluorine Facts
Fluorine is the most reactive and the most electronegative of all the elements. Fluorine is a pale yellow, diatomic, highly corrosive, flammable gas, with a pungent odor. It is the lightest halogen. It reacts violently with water to produce oxygen and the extremely corrosive hydrofluoric acid.

Uses of Fluorine
Compounds of fluorine, including sodium fluoride, are used in toothpaste and in drinking water to prevent dental cavities. Hydrofluoric acid can dissolve glass and is used to etch the glass in light bulbs and other products.

Health Effects
If fluorine is absorbed too frequently, it can cause teeth decay, osteoporosis and harm to kidneys, bones, nerves and muscles. Fluorine gas is released in the industries. This gas is very dangerous, as it can cause death at very high concentrations. At low concentrations it causes eye and nose irritations.

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